


主演:丽塔·海华斯  格伦·福特  乔治·麦克雷迪  约瑟夫·卡利亚  史蒂文·杰雷  



吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.1吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.2吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.3吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.4吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.5吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.6吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.13吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.14吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.15吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.16吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.17吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.18吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.19吉尔达1946 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-07-27 18:49


  老千约翰尼·法雷尔(格伦·福特 饰)来到阿根廷的首夜就遭遇了抢劫,幸而赌场老板巴林·蒙德森(乔治·麦克雷迪 饰)出手相救。约翰尼毛遂自荐为巴林工作,并从打手做到了经理。巴林旅行归来已为人夫,其妻吉尔达(丽塔·海沃思 饰)竟是约翰尼前女友……


 1 ) 女人很好看,剧情看不懂



操,看不懂。不过,那首歌 put the blame on Mame相当不错,风情万种。

 2 ) Put the blame on mame ,boys!


When they had the earthquake in San Francisco Back in nineteen-six They said that old Mother Nature Was up to her old tricks That's the story that went around But here's the real low-down Put the blame on Mame, boys Put the blame on Mame One night she started to shim and shake That brought on the Frisco quake So you can put the blame on Mame, boys Put the blame on Mame

They once had a shootin' up in the Klondike When they got Dan McGrew Folks were putting the blame on The lady known as Lou That's the story that went around But here's the real low-down Put the blame on Mame, boys Put the blame on Mame Mame did a dance called the hoochy-coo That's the thing that slew McGrew So you can put the blame on Mame, boys Put the blame on Mame When Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Kicked the lantern in Chicago town They say that started the fire That burned Chicago down That's the story that went around But here's the real low-down Put the blame on Mame, boys Put the blame on Mame Mame kissed a buyer from out of town That kiss burned Chicago down So you can put the blame on Mame, boys Put the blame on Mame

Remember the blizzard, back in Manhattan In eighteen-eighty-six They say that traffic was tied up And folks were in a fix That's the story that went around But here's the real low-down Put the blame on Mame, boys Put the blame on Mame Mame gave a chump such an ice-cold "No" For seven days they shovelled snow So you can put the blame on Mame, boys Put the blame on Mame

 3 ) [Film Review] Gilda (1946) 7.3/10

A toxic love-hate imbroglio taking the center stage in Charles Vidor’s GILDA, the film that cements Rita Hayworth as the unrivaled pin-up goddess of Golden Age Hollywood, but also covertly circumvents the production code with its latent homosexual undertone.

A bare-bones love triangle actualizes itself in Buenos Aries, an American gambler Johnny Farrell (Ford) is saved at the pistol point by Ballin Mundson (Macready), the owner of a local casino who has other hidden agendas in his business sphere. Johnny is taken under the latter’s wings and soon becomes his right-hand man. Their immaculate bond starts to crack when Johnny finds out that Ballin has married his jilted lover Gilda (Hayworth) in the spur of the moment. Their trilateral mythos can be boiled down to this: unwitting of Johnny and Gilda’s history, Ballin falls for Gilda hard, but Gilda doesn’t love him back, still hankers for Johnny while holding a grudge against his desertion. But what about Johnny? For my money and according to how the story plays out (before its ill-devised, slipshod ending), his allegiance to Ballin is piquantly spiked with a dotage of affection which outstrips the usual male-bonding compartment and justifies his motives: after Ballin owning up to him that he truly loves Gilda, Johnny intends to contain the damage in the minimum level, andto countervail Gilda’s willful vengeance of playing a promiscuous siren to provoke and hurt Ballin, he minutely tries to keep Ballin out of harm’s way as a vigilant guardian and refers Gilda as a piece of laundry he routinely collects at the beck and call of Ballin.

What is more ambiguous is Johnny's feelings for Gilda, we cannot simply blame it all on the love-hatred dynamismfor his persistence of punishing, even gaslighting Gilda after Ballin is presumably dead in a later accident. There must also bethegreen-eyed monster in the works, but his jealousy is not stemmed from Ballin but Gilda, who takes possession of the man he loves and then cavalierly betrays him out of her whims, Johnny’s cruelty is misogynous on the surface, but subliminally it is Freudian all over the place. Regrettably, the mining of a psycho-sexual mother lode is hampered by its time and regulation, hence the cockamamie Hollywood ending ineluctablytakes a shine off the film’s Dionysian luster.

It goes without saying that Ms. Hayworth’s voluptuousness is at the acme through her two signature music numbers (PUT THE BLAME ON MAME - that famous glove-removing tantalization, and AMADO MIO, courtesy to Allan Roberts and Doris Fisher), but her acting chop is also a force to be reckoned with here, Gilda is a paradigm of femme fatale but without a single bone of spite, everything she does is out of that stupid thing we all adore - love, which makes her vulnerability such a lollapalooza to be exposed in the forefront. Her two male co-stars, Glenn Ford amalgamates his youthful dapperness with sizzling gimlet eyes to level out Johnny’s embattled conscience, but the unsung hero isGeorge Macready, a scar-faced villain issuing unexpected charisma in his deep-fried aplomb and tactful evasion, that is the raison d’être of why one can second that his mystique has the allure which is not merely restricted to the opposite sex.

referential points: Douglas Sirk’s WRITTEN IN THE WIND (1956, 8.0/10); Charles Vidor’s HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN (1952, 6.8/10)

 4 ) 请直接跳到01:37:37


之前的可以全部算作铺垫——包括挥扬金发的出场,莫名其妙的争斗,一些男人戏。凌晨赌场rita hayworth怀抱吉他的清唱大约算作暖场,声音沉静,衣着也还算规矩,但总有掩不住的挑逗。到最后倒数十分钟,这首put the blame on mame 又重新换了包装登场。rita hayworth简直风骚至疯癫,在台上邀请男人为她do the zippers,被赌场马仔拉下台后,还一个劲仰头傻笑,直到强势老公掌掴,才突然崩溃,哭喊连连。

我不觉得rita hayworth多漂亮,身段在层层硬线条包裹下看不出惹火,腿是够长,可是整体轮廓欠流畅(大约那个年代都这样,超厚垫肩+尖锥型胸围)。五官标致,但亦没有哪一官特别突出。大概她风靡万千,荣登性感女神宝座,靠的还是风情二字吧。




ps:看完后情不自禁拿gilda和demi more的脱衣舞娘做比较。同样是跳舞,脱衣舞娘全戏肉蛋轰炸,却可以成为金酸梅里的滥情喜剧片,而rita hayworth仅凭一只手套,就让一部剧情模糊的黑白片永垂不朽了。看来春光一事,真的与肉无关啊。

 5 ) 列一列本片的双性恋暗示细节



Gilda: bisexual love triangle

Gilda is a 1946 film ahead of it's time, about a bisexual love triangle set in the world of high class gambling starring Rita Hayworth, Glen Ford and George Macready. Since the Hollywood code was still firmly in place, everything had to be suggested rather than direct, but the bisexual overtones are unmistakable and this film goes farther than any other I've seen from that time period. In fact, I'm not sure how it slipped past the censors..

In scene two, Glen Ford (as Johnny Farrell) is held up at gunpoint after winning a craps game on the docks of Buenos Aires in Argentina. A man with a cane that has a retractable blade comes along and saves his neck.

The older man is impecably dressed with a cravat-like scarf and pocket square. His face appears smooth, white and hairless. He seems refined and sort of gay. The retractible blade-tipped cane is both menacing and a sort of phallic symbol. He presses it against a crate to re-sheath it.

Johnny: A cane like that can come in handy.

Balin: It is a most faithful, obediant friend. It is silent when I wish it to be silent, it talks when I wish it to talk.

Johnny: That's your idea of a friend?...You must lead a gay life.

Balin: I lead the life I like to lead.

Johnny: You're a lucky man...

As the conversation goes on, Balin Mundson pulls out out a fancy cigarette case, takes a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. Ford helps himself to a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. He lights a match and lights the other man's cigarette, then lights his own...which is movie symbolism for flirting.

Ford's character, Johnny, shows up at the casino the next night and convinces Balin to hire him as a dealer at the casino.

Johnny: This way you'll have two friends. You've no idea how faithful and obedient I can be... for a nice salary.

Balin: This I must be sure of: that there's no woman anywhere.

Johnny: There's no woman anywhere.

Balin: Gambling and women do not mix.

Johnny: Those are the very words I use myself. Now shall we quit talking about it?

Balin: There was one once.

Johnny: Get this, Mr. Mundson. I was born last night, when you met me in that alley. That way I'm no past and all future, see? And I like it that way.

In another scene, Johnny and Balin drink a toast "to the three of us," indicating the cane as the third.

Johnny's naration: "It makes me laugh now, me being so sure it was the three of us."

Balin returns from a trip where he left Johnny in charge of the casino and invites him over to his house. Johnny is very excited. When he arrives, Balin is wearing a robe and a cravat. He brings Johnny upstairs...and introduces him to his new wife, Gilda. They obviously recognize each other and are shaken up by it. The audience realizes they were lovers.

Johnny to Gilda: Congratulations.

Balin: Oh, You dont congratulate the bride, Johnny. You congratulate the husband.

Johnny: Really.What are you supposed to say to the bride?

Balin: You wish her good luck.

Johnny: Good luck

Gilda: Thank you Mr. Farrell. My husband tells me you're a great believer in luck.

Balin: We make our own luck, Johnny and I.

Gilda: I'll have to try that, sometime. I'll try it right now. Tell him to come to dinner tonight with us Balin.

Balin: It's an order.

Balin walks Johnny downstairs.

- When did you meet her?

- The day I left for the interior.

- When did you get married?

- The day after that.

- Quick.

- You should know Johnny that when I want something I-

- You buy it quick.

- Do you know anything about her at all?

- It's an odd coincidence, Johnny. Listen to this. She told me she was born the night she met me. All three of us with no pasts, just futures. Isn't that interesting?

- I think it's fascinating.

- What's the matter with you?

- I thought we agreed that women and gambling didn't mix.

- My wife doesnt come under the category of "women," Johnny.

- I could've made a mistake.

- You did. Don't make it again.

- It starts already.

- What's this?

- Tact.

- [Gilda calls Balin back upstairs]

Johnny naration: "It was all I could do to walk away. I wanted to go back up in that room and hit her. What scared me is, I wanted to hit him, too. I wanted to go back and see them together with me not watching. I wanted to know."

Upstairs, Balin helps Gilda with the zipper on her evening gown.

Balin: I want you to like him.

Gilda: Are you sure about that? He's an attractive man, if you like the type. [insinuating both that he does like that type and that he should watch out]

还有后面Gilda问第三者“he or she”,等等等等……不胜枚举。


 6 ) 短评写不下

片子没有字幕,掺杂了很多西语和jargon所以只看了个大概剧情。 丽塔海华丝真是风情万种,穿着金光闪闪的外套约会,任性鲜活得很亮眼,大清早在casino弹吉他唱blame on meme,都是在B权力下的反抗。最后的手套舞美则美矣,也很绝望。 三个人一起出现的构图总是很有趣,B经常都是被阴影笼罩,而且G和J的距离经常比较近,B则比较高和远; 人物谈话时,前景是背对观众的,中景才是值得关注的部分,总是给人一种窥视感; 权力关系,B支配G和J, J模仿B去支配G, B对J而言是一个父亲的角色? One has to make his own luck.所以一开始坐享其成的G和J不会真的过上安乐的生活。 G唱的歌也是意味深长。 目前在想的问题是G的superstitious-natural disaster 有什么意味,还有为什么设定在南美洲,最后G和J应该是回美国了吧


在我手机里循环了一年多的put the blame on mame原来出自这里!http://dou.bz/0aLoAe发现这么多赤裸裸的broromance语带双关的性暗示对白就这么被俺无视了

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一直都很黑的, 也很愛情三角錯, 還很腐味, 但最後卻大反轉, 荷里活式大結局, 還有抄卡薩之嫌, 又是警察做好人放過.....麗塔/烈打小姐性感多次, 影評人劉先生特別指出兩次不那麼性感(密實性感)時是同一套流行嘅淑女套裝, 包括結尾.....也指出電影公司特別打造她, 將她從外貌到姓名全都改成合乎主流--白人金髪.....我則覺戲中大半都算前衛的女性主義, 自己身體自己負責, 但為完滿結局, 還要強加一筆冰清玉潔, 種種變成純為耍男主花槍.....算不算導演女主與電影公司角力後平衡, 或純是電影公司策略, 要性感卻又貞節.....

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打败我的不是RH这个甩头发脱手套就顺便把全世界男人魂牵走的高挑美女 相反的 我觉得她跳舞的时候总是怕抹胸裙掉下去似得缩着胸 少了气质缺了自信 打败我的是她那首put the blame on mame 分别出现在她的出场 她弹吉他和最后的那场黑裙演出 像是一个荡妇在责怪潘多拉蝴蝶效应引起一场地震 风味十足

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什么Femme Fatal啊,就是琼瑶苦情纯爱片啊!改个片名叫郎心似铁鬼丈夫好么!海华瑟跳舞美呆了!!!

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“I hated her so I couldn't get her out of my mind for a minute."All men fell in love with Rita Hayworth.

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5- 电影节第一天@影城 天蝎男女纠结的爱恨情仇惹我像十三点一样笑场不断囧 演技派 张力十足 中间那一段极醉人 几个舞蹈和音乐片段也经典 男人讲故事的方式很苦月亮 不过女人太夺目了 其他的人物似乎就没有那么丰满 u'r the air i bre..the food i ate /// 十年后在北影节重看穆赫兰道,看到Rita出处

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被末尾转折坑死,发现好些电影受临门一脚所害,而这临门一脚真心决定你是拍大腿叫好还是懊恼不已。对RH无感,她的歌舞于我就是对牛弹琴。GF的主角给后来的Dirk Bogarde必然也是超适合(对比仆人),自带SM气质,难怪感觉上像,神态长相也像,另外我也觉得约翰和巴林才是一对!

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