





圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.1圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.2圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.3圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.4圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.5圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.6圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.13圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.14圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.15圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.16圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.17圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.18圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.19圣衣女皇 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-15 00:21




 1 ) We have to stay true to our convictions, no matter how high the price.

< Die Päpstin /Pope Joan /女教皇> Lines:

Her name is Joanna/Johannes Anglicvs.

(1 min) How could it be otherwise that a woman had once occupied the Pope’s crown was a disgrace to the church…A woman who has accomplished so much!

(6 min) Joanna was a gifted child, and she had clear mind, a hunger for knowledge was insatiable. In spite of her youth, she had an innate wisdom way beyond her years… St. Katherine…is a woman, even though she’s quiet young, she’s learned and wise…The Bible says that women must obey their husbands, but The Bible also says that love is patient, love is kind, love is not angered.

(14 min, IMPORTANT) So you don’t find any significance in his (i.e., Plato) works? Faith is grounded on the authority of the holy scripture, not on the writing of philosophers. But you have to admit that our ability to think rationally is god given. From him alone. Then why you’re fear to expose faith to the light of reason? Since god himself give us reason. How could you leave this from him? Just fear of logic shows inexact faith. A solid faith needs no fear. Because if god exists, logic can only take us toward him. ‘I think, therefore god exists. (Side note: what a German like idealism: )

She knew her father was wrong. Her love of knowledge was neither sinful nor unnatural, it’s god’s gift to mankind. Her desire to learn...Mathew died because no one knew how to help him. She understood, then and there, that it was her duty to expand her knowledge, and put her abilities to work for the greater good.

(18 min) Extra-ordinary sharp mind…It will be sacrilegious to waste such a learned mind…Academy of Athens was closed, then the great ancient philosophers ended…Within their protected walls, the legacy of the wise – Greeks, and Romans—could be handed down through centuries…I’ll do whatever I can to make sure your gift do not gone wasted. I promise you.

(30 min) Many were captivated by Joanna’s wisdom, and touched by her story. Joanna knew god wanted to rescue her from miserable existence. The Lord has reached out hand to her, and she felt compelled to take it.

(32 min) A scholar: It goes against god’s will to accept a woman to a cathedral school. It is also pointless. Women do not possess natural ability to draw logical conclusions, the useful section of female brain is so small that women are incapable of understanding high ideas or concepts. Women are subordinate to men, by the order of creation, hierarchy, and strength of will. (Side note: bullshit!)

Joanna: How can woman be second to man, by creation? She was made out of Adam’s rib. Adam only, on the other hand, was molded in common clay; As for strength of will, woman can be superred to man. Eve ate from the apply out of love, of knowledge and learning. Adam ate because only Eve asked him to.

(60 min, IMPORTANT) For years she was able to keep her secrete, and all the brothers took her to be a young man. Impressed by her linguistic ability, the master assigned Joanna to translate the collection of Greek manuals on Medicine. Thus she was able to study the works of Hippocrates (Side note: 希波克拉底-西医祖师…feel so proud!) and other scholars…As a woman, her intelligence and her thirst for knowledge have brought her vision and content. Here in the monastery, Joanna was praised and awarded for these very same qualities. Yet Joanna was constantly aware of the danger she faced everyday….Joanna knew an exposure meant certain death…She’s pious and upstanding, and will stand all temptations.

(70 min) So years past, and Joanna was convinced she has found a rightful place in the world.

(85 min) St. Katherine, she paid for her courage for her life. Many were afraid of her wisdom. She taught us something important—We have to stay true to our convictions, no matter how high the price.

Go out, and see the world. Let her, she’s meant to a different path, and we have no right to divert her from it.

(86 min) Learn, and use it for the benefit of others… Three years later, her name is known to all Romans. We are all burning with anticipation. Your Reputation proceeds you.

(96 min) There’s something unusual about you, that has been missing within the walls…You reason well. Where were you educated? I was born into poverty, and I’m accustomed to it…one of the most trusted confidence…Remain true(authentic, genuine) to you.

(111 min) But I didn’t want you as my lover. I wanted you as my wife…

A physician…

(115 min, IMPORTANT) I’ve learned to accept that danger…I am independent, free to act and think as I wish. And I can be useful. I have means that other women never dream of. You want me to give all these up, to live in confined existence of a wife tied to daily choices and duties? (Side note: what a great woman!)

I’ve no desire to tie you to anything. I’ll respect you and care for you.

I’ve long cared for myself…Forgive me. I love you. But my place is here.

You’re in constant danger.

I want only for what is good for Rome.

(122 min) Here is Rome, Joanna, here, inconvenient people are killed, no matter how good or powerful they are. You stay here, you will die.

If this is true face of Rome, I will go with you.

(124 min) Universal Pope (Side note: like her pure white face without blood)…Your experience, your competence, and your good heart. It’d be an honor to serve you.

(126 min, IMPORTANT) This is my calling. Please, understand. All my life I’ve searched god, and now I found him. He’s in the hope people put in me; he’s in the good that I can do for them. When I’m doing god’s will, I can feel him in my heart…With purpose and zeal, she was determined to keep her promise. She knew the suffering of the Roman people more than anyone; and she did all in her power to alleviate it. She sent physicians to the slums, allocate taxes (?) to the poor houses. Soon, the Romans named her ‘Papa Populi’, the People’s Pope.

Joanna wanted to be more of a mercy bishop of Rome, after all, she is the spiritual head of the entire Christian Church. She summoned all bishops to Rome for meeting(?). Many doctrines were reviewed and re-considered. And more revolutions were passed than ever before…

Only three months away, I can do so much with that time.

(130 min) A school for girls? Never before.

You mean we should abandon new ideas just because it’s new? Everything that is old was once new.

The more girl learns, the smaller her uterus becomes, it’s a common knowledge. (Side note: wholly bullshit again!)

So common that no one bothered to write it down?!

(138 min, IMPORTANT) Her so extraordinary life must not be forgotten. There should be at least one manuscript where the truth can be read. Following her footsteps, I wonder if I’ve met other sisters over the years without recognizing them -- Other women who chose the same arduous path as I did.

With this book, a debt is paid, and something new begins.

One day, someone will read these pages, and once again, Joanna’s story will be told…

 2 ) 向着“智慧"而生



最令人感动的是关于“智慧”的追求和传承的。圣凯瑟琳是最开始的spiritual guide,“you are sisters spiritually. She will guide you, like a sister.” 然后joanna成了阿恩的老师以及阿恩女儿的guide,而正是对阿恩女儿的guide使得女教皇的故事能被记录下来,整个故事也正是以阿恩女儿的讲述贯穿的。
另外还有很多良师出现在joanna的生命中。白发的老师:“god 给了我们理性,我们如果不面对它,不运用它,是不是对god的不信任。逻辑只会引领我们去往god。我思,故上帝在。”他让Joanna确信自己的追求和信念--她对知识的热爱,既没有错,也没有违反自然,it is a gift from god。他哥哥的死不是因为教了自己如何读写,而是因为没人知道怎么救他。




Stay with our conviction,no matter how high the price is.记住这句吧。

 3 ) 女人的宿命




饰演Johanna的演员也叫Johanna Wokalek,真人很漂亮,是德国06年的新秀奖得主。在电影里,第一眼你会惊讶导演为什么会选这样的丑女,你需要适应很久,来感觉她的内蕴。也许这就是化妆的艺术吧。饰演Gerold的演员是我们在魔戒里很熟悉的Faramir,在电影澳大利亚里面的第一号反面。我个人不是很喜欢Gerold这个角色,有些有勇无谋的感觉。


 4 ) 对封建礼教的某次完成时式攻坚




 5 ) 女权历史标本

关于历史的标本,上周租了部德国去年票房很好的影片《女教皇(Die Paepstin)》看,讲的是历史上争论很大的故事,主角是那位传说中被男权教宗从史册中抹杀的女子。 其实我对于宗教题材的电影本来不是兴趣很大,因为拍摄此种题材,很难做到置身事外的态度,于是就很容易偏激。但这部影片显然更侧重于女权的角度,我自小就特别崇拜强势女子,尤其武则天那般智慧美貌兼具的就更是极品了,自然也就很支持女权态度。 这位传说中的女教皇琼安,为摆脱女子低贱的生活而女扮男装假冒哥哥的身分,凭借智慧与高明医术而得到身近罗马教皇的机会,在复杂的政治斗争中阴差阳错地被推上了教皇宝座,最后却因为爱情而暴露身份而殒命,女子难过情关,也是经典的悲剧理由了。对于妇女的压迫歧视,在各个男权文化中都还不是类似,其观念的改变,经历了多少个10年,至今女子们所争取到的“半边天”仍是充满来自男权的施舍感。

 6 ) We have to stay true to our convictions, no matter how high the price.

< Die Päpstin /Pope Joan /女教皇> Lines:

Her name is Joanna/Johannes Anglicvs.

(1 min) How could it be otherwise that a woman had once occupied the Pope’s crown was a disgrace to the church…A woman who has accomplished so much!

(6 min) Joanna was a gifted child, and she had clear mind, a hunger for knowledge was insatiable. In spite of her youth, she had an innate wisdom way beyond her years… St. Katherine…is a woman, even though she’s quiet young, she’s learned and wise…The Bible says that women must obey their husbands, but The Bible also says that love is patient, love is kind, love is not angered.

(14 min, IMPORTANT) So you don’t find any significance in his (i.e., Plato) works? Faith is grounded on the authority of the holy scripture, not on the writing of philosophers. But you have to admit that our ability to think rationally is god given. From him alone. Then why you’re fear to expose faith to the light of reason? Since god himself give us reason. How could you leave this from him? Just fear of logic shows inexact faith. A solid faith needs no fear. Because if god exists, logic can only take us toward him. ‘I think, therefore god exists. (Side note: what a German like idealism: )

She knew her father was wrong. Her love of knowledge was neither sinful nor unnatural, it’s god’s gift to mankind. Her desire to learn...Mathew died because no one knew how to help him. She understood, then and there, that it was her duty to expand her knowledge, and put her abilities to work for the greater good.

(18 min) Extra-ordinary sharp mind…It will be sacrilegious to waste such a learned mind…Academy of Athens was closed, then the great ancient philosophers ended…Within their protected walls, the legacy of the wise – Greeks, and Romans—could be handed down through centuries…I’ll do whatever I can to make sure your gift do not gone wasted. I promise you.

(30 min) Many were captivated by Joanna’s wisdom, and touched by her story. Joanna knew god wanted to rescue her from miserable existence. The Lord has reached out hand to her, and she felt compelled to take it.

(32 min) A scholar: It goes against god’s will to accept a woman to a cathedral school. It is also pointless. Women do not possess natural ability to draw logical conclusions, the useful section of female brain is so small that women are incapable of understanding high ideas or concepts. Women are subordinate to men, by the order of creation, hierarchy, and strength of will. (Side note: bullshit!)

Joanna: How can woman be second to man, by creation? She was made out of Adam’s rib. Adam only, on the other hand, was molded in common clay; As for strength of will, woman can be superred to man. Eve ate from the apply out of love, of knowledge and learning. Adam ate because only Eve asked him to.

(60 min, IMPORTANT) For years she was able to keep her secrete, and all the brothers took her to be a young man. Impressed by her linguistic ability, the master assigned Joanna to translate the collection of Greek manuals on Medicine. Thus she was able to study the works of Hippocrates (Side note: 希波克拉底-西医祖师…feel so proud!) and other scholars…As a woman, her intelligence and her thirst for knowledge have brought her vision and content. Here in the monastery, Joanna was praised and awarded for these very same qualities. Yet Joanna was constantly aware of the danger she faced everyday….Joanna knew an exposure meant certain death…She’s pious and upstanding, and will stand all temptations.

(70 min) So years past, and Joanna was convinced she has found a rightful place in the world.

(85 min) St. Katherine, she paid for her courage for her life. Many were afraid of her wisdom. She taught us something important—We have to stay true to our convictions, no matter how high the price.

Go out, and see the world. Let her, she’s meant to a different path, and we have no right to divert her from it.

(86 min) Learn, and use it for the benefit of others… Three years later, her name is known to all Romans. We are all burning with anticipation. Your Reputation proceeds you.

(96 min) There’s something unusual about you, that has been missing within the walls…You reason well. Where were you educated? I was born into poverty, and I’m accustomed to it…one of the most trusted confidence…Remain true(authentic, genuine) to you.

(111 min) But I didn’t want you as my lover. I wanted you as my wife…

A physician…

(115 min, IMPORTANT) I’ve learned to accept that danger…I am independent, free to act and think as I wish. And I can be useful. I have means that other women never dream of. You want me to give all these up, to live in confined existence of a wife tied to daily choices and duties? (Side note: what a great woman!)

I’ve no desire to tie you to anything. I’ll respect you and care for you.

I’ve long cared for myself…Forgive me. I love you. But my place is here.

You’re in constant danger.

I want only for what is good for Rome.

(122 min) Here is Rome, Joanna, here, inconvenient people are killed, no matter how good or powerful they are. You stay here, you will die.

If this is true face of Rome, I will go with you.

(124 min) Universal Pope (Side note: like her pure white face without blood)…Your experience, your competence, and your good heart. It’d be an honor to serve you.

(126 min, IMPORTANT) This is my calling. Please, understand. All my life I’ve searched god, and now I found him. He’s in the hope people put in me; he’s in the good that I can do for them. When I’m doing god’s will, I can feel him in my heart…With purpose and zeal, she was determined to keep her promise. She knew the suffering of the Roman people more than anyone; and she did all in her power to alleviate it. She sent physicians to the slums, allocate taxes (?) to the poor houses. Soon, the Romans named her ‘Papa Populi’, the People’s Pope.

Joanna wanted to be more of a mercy bishop of Rome, after all, she is the spiritual head of the entire Christian Church. She summoned all bishops to Rome for meeting(?). Many doctrines were reviewed and re-considered. And more revolutions were passed than ever before…

Only three months away, I can do so much with that time.

(130 min) A school for girls? Never before.

You mean we should abandon new ideas just because it’s new? Everything that is old was once new.

The more girl learns, the smaller her uterus becomes, it’s a common knowledge. (Side note: wholly bullshit again!)

So common that no one bothered to write it down?!

(138 min, IMPORTANT) Her so extraordinary life must not be forgotten. There should be at least one manuscript where the truth can be read. Following her footsteps, I wonder if I’ve met other sisters over the years without recognizing them -- Other women who chose the same arduous path as I did.

With this book, a debt is paid, and something new begins.

One day, someone will read these pages, and once again, Joanna’s story will be told…



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As much as I love the legend of powerful women, is the Romance part really necessary or just for selling the novel?

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  • 曾用名:Zenith
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  • 林风
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【女教皇】就是一个关于历史的大八卦,创作者找到了一个容器,然后把所有如有雷同的东西注入进去。最终影片就像一部成熟的流水线作品,看起来很文艺,实则不文艺不商业,影片中风景如画、古罗马城气宇轩昂、服装道具华美精致,这一切却更让本片变得像只绣花枕头。 ★★★

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A seiry of interesting coincidences.

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